New post-pandemic scenery

We are certainly not discovering today how important it is for an SME to import from China. On the contrary, this activity has proven to be a distinctive success factor for many companies in various sectors for decades now. 

What we do want to highlight is how much the pandemic has affected the last two years.

Fares drop for 35th straight week

As shown in the slides above we have gone from record prices of 18,000 usd for a 40HQ container to less than half that.

Euro bounces back above dollar parity

Another factor to exploit is the recent rise of the euro which has outpaced the dollar. 

Shipping times back to pre-pandemic times

(35 days on average)

Finally, a key element in business planning, the shipping timings of ships have rebalanced. Indeed, during the covid period it was not difficult for a container to take three months to sail from Asia to Europe.

Our analysis therefore shows a more than positive scenario in non-EU trade.

“import from China as the key to succes

Exploiting the competitive advantages that would result from importing from China would not only increase one’s competitiveness in one’s own market but also increase margins.

    Let’s give the floor to our ISM:

    “The advice I can give is to embark on an import planning str­ategy now. In a glob­alised world, the co­mpetitive scenario is no longer just nat­ional but internatio­nal. It is therefore important to improve one’s sourcing cap­abilities, control them and have certain­ty of supply. By imp­orting with MARVAL from China, you can achieve competitive prices, time and supp­ly security. Key and distinctive facts to increase your mark­et share.” 

    Roberta Longobardi

    International Sales Manager, Marval Trading